The KJV Defended!

Legacy Edition

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The content of Hills’ classic has not been modified, but several improvements have been made:

– New typeset for ease of reading

– Endnotes converted to footnotes

– All caps emphasis replaced w/ italics

– Hardcover or paperback option

– Original title “Text and Time” restored

What people are saying

Jeffrey T. Riddle (Pastor, Christ Reformed Baptist Church, Louisa, Virginia)

“E.F. Hills was a voice crying in the wilderness of post-Enlightenment, twentieth-century, modern textual criticism of the Bible… he did the unthinkable and rejected what he called “naturalistic textual criticism” to embrace “the logic of faith.”

David J. Engelsma (Professor of Theology Emeritus, Protestant Reformed Seminary: Grandville, Michigan)

“The thoroughly biblical and logical argument of Edward Hills concerning the inspired and preserved text of the Bible, particularly, with regard to the Greek text of the New Testament, deserves, indeed demands, to be sounded and resounded.”

Dr. Jeffrey Khoo (Principal, Far Eastern Bible College)

“Dr E.F. Hills’ theological approach to the text, applying the logic of faith, was such a breath of fresh air to me vis-a-vis the modernistic textual criticism that I was taught in seminary.”

Russell Spees (Director, Institute for Biblical Textual Studies)

“Hills’ book remains a true standard that logically and rationally defends the traditional Greek New Testament.”

Maurice Roberts (Retired editor, Banner of Truth magazine)

“I strongly advocate that we make it our regular duty to read and study this excellent book…”

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