Received Text Reading List
Posted by the Editor
We offer this select bibliography to those who are interested in learning more about the traditional text of the Greek New Testament and the doctrine of providential preservation.
The list is not exhaustive, but should be sufficient to get you started in your study. Titles are organized according to differing levels of difficulty.
Materials freely available online will include a [read] link. If we missed any, please send us a link to the online version via the contact page. Other volumes may be purchased via our bookshop.
McShaffrey, Christian M. How the Holy Bible Came to Be: An Elementary Introduction to the Doctrine of Believing Bibliology. London: Trinitarian Bible Society, 2021. [read]
Watts, Malcolm. The Lord Gave the Word: A Study in the History of the Biblical Text. London: Trinitarian Bible Society, 1998. [read]
Hills, Edward F. The King James Version Defended, 4th ed. Des Moines, IA: The Christian Research Press, 1956, 1984. [read] [buy]
Hills, Edward F. Believing Bible Study. Junction City, OR: Eye Opener Publishers, 1967. [buy]
Letis, Theodore P. The Ecclesiastical Text: Text Criticism, Biblical Authority, and the Popular Mind. The Institute for Renaissance and Reformation Biblical Studies, 1997. [buy]
Milne, Garnet Howard. Has the Bible been kept pure? The Westminster Confession of Faith and the providential preservation of Scripture. Garnet Howard Milne, 2017. [buy]
Burgon, John W. The Revision Revised. Collingswood, NJ: Dean Burgon Society Press, 2000. [read] [buy]
Dabney, Robert L. “The Doctrinal Various Readings of the New Testament Greek,” Pages 350–390 in vol. 1 of Discussions. Harrisonburg, VA: Sprinkle Reprint, 1982. [read] [buy]
Dabney, Robert L. “The Revised Version of the New Testament,” Pages 391–398 in vol. 1 of Discussions. Harrisonburg, VA: Sprinkle Reprint, 1982. [read]
Muller, Richard A. Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 2. Holy Scripture: The Cognitive Foundation of Theology series. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1993. [read] [buy]
Owen, John. “Of the Divine Original, Authority, Self-Evidencing Light, and Power of the Scriptures.” Pages 281–344 in vol. 16 of The Works of John Owen. Edinburgh/Carlisle: Banner of Truth reprint, 1968. [read] [buy]
Owen, John. “Integrity and Purity of the Hebrew and Greek Text.” Pages 345–421 in vol. 16 of The Works of John Owen. Edinburgh/Carlisle: Banner of Truth reprint, 1968. [read] [buy]
Turretin, Francis. Institutes of Elenctic Theology. Pages 55-167 in vol. 1. Translated by George M. Giger. Edited by James T. Dennison, Jr. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1992. [buy]
Whitaker, William. A Disputation on Holy Scripture Against the Papists especially Bellarmine and Stapleton. Translated and Edited by William Fitzgerald. Orlando, FL: Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 2005. [read] [buy]
Dabney, Robert L. “The Doctrinal Various Readings of the New Testament Greek,” Pages 350–390 in vol. 1 of Discussions. Harrisonburg, VA: Sprinkle Reprint, 1982.
What a spectacular mind had RL Dabney — like a steel trap! Thanks for sharing! Doug