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In his first book, The Received Text: A Field Guide, Taylor DeSoto charts a succinct epistemological course, identifies the ideological dangers of modern bibliology, and equips the reader to discern truth from error while navigating the complex terrain of text and translation.

The Received Text - A Field Guide
DeSoto, Taylor

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The So-called English Standard Version
Letis, Theodore P

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A Place To Hide: Equipping Ordinary Moms To Surviv ....
McShaffrey, Christian M

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Text and Time: The Providential Preservation of Holy Scripture
Hills, Edward F

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Text and Time: The Providential Preservation of Holy Scripture
Hills, Edward F

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How Can We See A Return To The Bible?
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn

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Today's Christian & the Church's Bible: A Time to Return to the Authorized Version
Letis, Theodore P.

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Why I Preach from the Received Text: An Anthology of Essays by Reformed Ministers
Riddle, Jeffrey T. and McShaffrey, Christian M.

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Why I Preach from the Received Text: An Anthology of Essays by Reformed Ministers
Riddle, Jeffrey, T and McShaffrey, Christian, M